Ticket Easy

A support ticketing system built for dynamic usage and equipped with custom automations.

Starry Ocean API

My personal, meticulously crafted public-facing RESTful API. Leveraging the Django REST Framework and designed with a class-based view approach for seamless data retrieval. It serves as a compendium of Star Ocean (© Square Enix) characters.
See docs

Stream Bunny

A collaborative work of Joseph Hooker, Michael S DuWors, and myself. A service in which users can search for a movie or show they want to watch and find where it is streaming.

KJV Concordance

A concordance of the King James Bible which utilizes JSON and Python's re module to allow users to search the Bible as well as read.

Session Tracker

A tool to help businesses list their packages and offers and to help manage the redemption of a package's sessions. Ideal for services such as personal training, therapy, coaching, tutoring, lawn services, and other similar types of services.

My Moogle

A compendium of Final Fantasy (© Square Enix) characters which uses the Moogle API as well as the Wikipedia API